Nica Lifestyle

When I tell people that we’re moving to Nicaragua in Spring the most common response is, “permanently?” What is “permanently”? We’re going and we’ll stay until it doesn’t seem like the right place to be anymore. This photo pretty much sums up perfectly why I love this place more than any other. Afternoon, after surfing, after chores, hanging out in the grass barefoot, shirtless, drinking mojitos made with Flor de Cana the Nicaraguan rum and fresh mint from the garden, while Ducha the dog we love hangs out at our feet. This is the Nica lifestyle.

Of course there’s plenty of work involved. Nearly every chore (including showering and flushing the toilet) begins with raising water forty feet by hand. It’s an excellent workout and it feels good mentally, physically, and spiritually.

It also makes me incredibly water conscious. Spilling water becomes a serious bummer.
Our love of the place started in the surf.
My 5’6″ Rusty quad is perfect for the hollow waves out front. It slides into the tube.
We can see the ocean, the tops of waves, but can’t properly check the surf from the lot. Ryan scrambled up onto the gate to get a better view. That’s the new caretaker’s house behind him.

You know you’re in Nicaragua when two cases of Tonas equals a computer desk.

Nicaraguans don’t do salsa like Mexicans despite having all the ingredients readily available so I make salsa myself, daily.

Farm boy, watering trees.
The chile garden is exploding in spicy color.

Basil grows really well down here.

This is Ryan planting flowers in the caretaker’s planter box. Curb appeal!

Our caretaker Osmar shows up most afternoons to lend a hand.

This is what paradise looks like.

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3 Responses to Nica Lifestyle

  1. tango says:

    Hi Holly and Ryan! Merry Christmas! Yah, Viva Nica! Your place is awesome…the surf camp will be great! My wife Annie and I too have a passion for Nicaragua…feels like home. We’ve been heading to Nicaragua since 2005; hoping to get back soon, we have some friends to see. Have property in RS and condo in Iguana. Your blog is very informative and inspiring!

    Peace and Love,

    Tom and Annie Bauman
    Los Osos, California

  2. Erin Fisher says:

    I am super stoked for you. I have to get to Nic someday, now I will have 2 people to make me get there. lol xo

  3. Anonymous says:

    hey is juan from miami.i was borne in nicaragua i came to miami went i was 7 yrs old in 1983 mydream is to go visit my country and drink tona and flor de cana in poneloya and partty alot whit my friend and family.soenjoy my country and drink tona alot and have fun.if you have more pict pls can you sent to me email pls pls my email is thank you my friend enjoy. ps ILOVE NICARAGUA AND MY PEOPLE

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